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Unplugged Book Box: Unlock the Power of Reading with Enchanting Surprises!

Unplugged Book Box

Unplugged Book Box offers a curated selection of books and self-care items for bookworms to enjoy a cozy offline reading experience. Discover your next favorite read!

Unplugged Book Box, a unique subscription service that combines the joy of reading with the bliss of self-care, offers an enchanting escape from the digital world. With its carefully curated book selections and thoughtfully crafted self-care items, this subscription box promises to transport you to a realm where relaxation and literary exploration intertwine seamlessly. Whether you're a book lover seeking solace from the constant buzz of technology or simply someone in need of some well-deserved me time, Unplugged Book Box has something extraordinary in store for you. So, step into a world where pages turn and stress melts away, as we delve into the captivating allure of Unplugged Book Box.


Unplugged Book Box is a unique subscription box service that caters to book lovers who appreciate the joy of unplugging from technology and indulging in the simple pleasure of reading. This innovative company aims to provide an immersive and delightful experience by combining carefully curated books with themed goodies and self-care items. In this article, we will explore the concept behind Unplugged Book Box and why it has gained popularity among bibliophiles.

The Origins

Unplugged Book Box was founded by Sarah Kuehn, a passionate book lover who wanted to create a meaningful experience for fellow readers. Inspired by her own love for books and the desire to encourage others to disconnect from the digital world, she sought to combine her passions in a unique way. Thus, Unplugged Book Box was born, offering a monthly escape into the world of literature and self-care.

Curated Reading Experience

Each Unplugged Book Box is carefully curated around a specific theme, ensuring that readers are transported to different worlds with every box they receive. Whether it's a cozy mystery, dystopian fiction, or a heartwarming romance, subscribers can expect a diverse range of genres and themes that cater to various reading preferences.

Book Selection Process

Unplugged Book Box takes great care in selecting the perfect book for each month's box. The team behind the scenes considers factors such as popular releases, hidden gems, and critically acclaimed titles. They aim to introduce readers to new authors and stories that may not be on their radar, expanding their reading horizons and creating a sense of discovery.

Themed Goodies and Self-Care Items

Aside from the book, each Unplugged Book Box contains a selection of carefully curated goodies and self-care items that complement the theme. From candles and bath products to exclusive artwork and bookish merchandise, subscribers can expect a delightful surprise that enhances their reading experience and encourages relaxation and self-indulgence.

Supporting Small Businesses

One of the core values of Unplugged Book Box is supporting small businesses. The company actively seeks out independent artisans and creators to collaborate with, ensuring that the goodies included in each box are unique and high-quality. By doing so, they not only provide their subscribers with exceptional products but also contribute to the growth and success of small businesses within the literary community.

An Engaging Community

Unplugged Book Box goes beyond simply providing a subscription box service; it also fosters a strong and engaging community for book lovers. Subscribers gain access to an exclusive Facebook group where they can connect with fellow readers, discuss books, share recommendations, and participate in monthly virtual book clubs. This sense of community adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the Unplugged Book Box experience.

Flexible Subscription Options

To cater to different preferences and budgets, Unplugged Book Box offers multiple subscription options. Readers can choose between a recurring monthly subscription or opt for prepaid plans that range from three months to one year. This flexibility allows subscribers to tailor their experience to their individual needs and ensures that everyone can enjoy the Unplugged Book Box experience without breaking the bank.

The Gift of Reading

Unplugged Book Box also makes for a wonderful gift for the bookworms in your life. Whether it's for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion, giving the gift of an Unplugged Book Box means giving the recipient the chance to explore new literary worlds, indulge in self-care, and become part of a vibrant reading community.


Unplugged Book Box offers an enchanting escape from the digital world, allowing book lovers to immerse themselves in carefully curated stories and indulge in self-care. With their themed goodies, support for small businesses, and engaging community, Unplugged Book Box has cemented itself as a beloved subscription service for bibliophiles seeking a unique and fulfilling reading experience.

A Bookworm's Paradise: Uncover the world of Unplugged Book Box, a haven for book lovers who crave an escape from the digital world.

For those who find solace in the pages of a good book, Unplugged Book Box offers a haven where they can disconnect from the digital world and immerse themselves in the written word. It is a paradise for bookworms, a place where the love for reading is celebrated and cherished. With Unplugged Book Box, you can rediscover the joy of flipping through real pages and getting lost in the stories that unfold before your eyes.

Subscription Bliss: Experience the joy of receiving a specially curated book box filled with surprise goodies delivered right to your doorstep every month.

The excitement of receiving a package in the mail is unparalleled, and Unplugged Book Box brings that joy to book lovers every month. As a subscriber, you can look forward to the arrival of a carefully curated book box filled with surprise goodies that complement the reading experience. From bookmarks to candles, each item is hand-picked to enhance your enjoyment of the books and create a truly immersive experience. It's like receiving a personalized gift from a friend who knows your deepest literary desires.

Reading Meets Wellness: Immerse yourself in a holistic reading experience that combines the pleasure of reading with self-care products that help you unwind and relax.

Unplugged Book Box understands that reading is not just a hobby, but an act of self-care. That's why each box is designed to create a holistic reading experience that goes beyond the pages of a book. Alongside your chosen read, you will discover self-care products carefully selected to help you unwind, destress, and relax. From soothing teas to luxurious bath products, these items are meant to nourish your mind, body, and soul, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the joy of reading.

Literary Adventures Await: Embark on a literary journey with hand-picked books from a variety of genres that will transport you to different worlds.

With Unplugged Book Box, every month brings a new literary adventure. The team behind the service scours the literary world to hand-pick books from a variety of genres, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer the enchantment of fantasy, the thrills of a mystery, or the depths of historical fiction, each box will transport you to different worlds and introduce you to new authors and stories that will captivate your imagination.

Savoring the Moments: Indulge in the art of slow reading and create moments of peace and tranquility as you lose yourself in the pages of a captivating book.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to rush through books without truly savoring the experience. Unplugged Book Box encourages a different approach - the art of slow reading. Take the time to immerse yourself in the pages, to appreciate the beauty of the prose, and to let your mind wander in the world created by the author. It's a chance to create moments of peace and tranquility as you disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and find solace between the pages of a captivating book.

Beyond the Pages: Discover exclusive bookish items, such as bookmarks, candles, and artisanal teas, which complement the theme of each curated box.

Unplugged Book Box goes beyond just books. Each curated box includes exclusive bookish items that complement the theme of the month. From beautifully designed bookmarks to hand-poured candles that evoke the atmosphere of the story, these items add an extra layer of magic to your reading experience. You may also find artisanal teas, literary-inspired jewelry, or other delightful surprises that perfectly align with the chosen books. It's a treasure trove of bookish delights waiting to be discovered.

Surprise and Delight: Experience the thrill of anticipation as you unwrap your Unplugged Book Box, never knowing what delightful surprises await you each month.

One of the most exciting aspects of subscribing to Unplugged Book Box is the element of surprise. Each month, as you receive your box, you embark on a journey of anticipation and excitement. What treasures lie within? What new worlds will you discover? The joy of unwrapping your Unplugged Book Box is like opening a door to endless possibilities, and the delight you experience as you uncover each surprise is truly unparalleled.

Engaging Community: Connect with a like-minded community of bookworms through Unplugged Book Box's online platform, where you can share your reading experiences and join meaningful discussions.

Reading is often a solitary activity, but with Unplugged Book Box, you can connect with a vibrant community of like-minded bookworms. Through their online platform, you can share your reading experiences, join meaningful discussions, and exchange recommendations with fellow subscribers. It's a space where your love for books can thrive, and where you can find inspiration, support, and friendship within a community that understands and celebrates the joy of reading.

Gift the Love of Reading: Spread the joy of reading by gifting a Unplugged Book Box subscription to your loved ones, introducing them to new authors and unique bookish treasures.

Unplugged Book Box is not just for yourself, but also makes a perfect gift for the book lovers in your life. By gifting a subscription, you can share the joy of reading and introduce your loved ones to new authors, genres, and unique bookish treasures. It's a thoughtful and meaningful way to show someone that you care, and to ignite or deepen their passion for books.

Prioritizing Self-Care: Embrace the importance of self-care with Unplugged Book Box as it encourages you to unwind, destress, and nurture your well-being through the power of reading.

In a world that often prioritizes productivity and busyness, Unplugged Book Box reminds us of the importance of self-care. By encouraging us to take time for ourselves, to unwind, destress, and nurture our well-being, it emphasizes the power of reading in promoting mental and emotional wellness. With Unplugged Book Box, you are not just subscribing to a service, but embracing a lifestyle that values self-care and recognizes the restorative power of a good book.

Unplugged Book Box: A Journey into Literary Escape

The Unplugged Book Box Concept

Unplugged Book Box is a subscription service that offers book lovers a unique and immersive reading experience. With a focus on disconnecting from technology and embracing the joy of reading, Unplugged Book Box takes subscribers on a literary escape filled with carefully curated books and bookish items.

Exploring Unplugged Book Box

Unplugged Book Box aims to reignite the love for physical books and the pleasure of getting lost in a story. Each month, subscribers receive a thoughtfully selected book from various genres, along with a collection of bookish goodies that complement the reading experience.

What sets Unplugged Book Box apart is its attention to detail. From the moment you receive your box, it becomes clear that every item has been chosen with care and consideration. The books are hand-picked by a team of literary enthusiasts who strive to introduce readers to captivating stories and diverse authors.

Moreover, Unplugged Book Box goes beyond just providing books. They curate the perfect literary ambiance by including high-quality items such as scented candles, cozy blankets, gourmet snacks, and custom-made bookmarks. These items not only enhance the reading experience but also create an atmosphere of relaxation and indulgence.

Benefits of Unplugged Book Box

1. Variety: Each month brings a different book and theme, ensuring that subscribers are constantly exposed to new genres and authors.

2. Surprise factor: Opening an Unplugged Book Box is like unwrapping a present filled with literary delights. The anticipation and surprise add an extra layer of excitement to the reading experience.

3. Community: Unplugged Book Box encourages subscribers to engage with fellow book lovers through their online community. This creates a sense of belonging and fosters discussions about the books and items received.

4. Self-care: Unplugged Book Box promotes self-care by encouraging readers to disconnect from technology and dedicate time to themselves. It provides an opportunity to unwind, relax, and escape into the world of literature.

Table: Unplugged Book Box Subscription Options

Subscription Plan Price Features
Monthly $34.99/month - 1 hand-picked book
3-Month $99.99 (save $5) - 1 hand-picked book per month for 3 months
6-Month $194.99 (save $15) - 1 hand-picked book per month for 6 months

Unplugged Book Box offers flexible subscription options to cater to different reading preferences and budgets. Whether you choose the monthly plan or opt for a longer commitment, each box promises a delightful literary journey worth savoring.

Join the Unplugged Book Box community today and rediscover the joy of reading in its purest form – unplugged!

Thank you for visiting Unplugged Book Box! We hope that you have enjoyed exploring our website and learning about the unique reading experience that we offer. Our goal is to provide book lovers with a break from the digital world and encourage them to embrace the joy of unplugging and diving into a good book.

As you may have gathered from our previous blog posts, Unplugged Book Box is more than just a subscription box. It is a carefully curated experience that combines the magic of reading with the excitement of receiving a surprise package in the mail. Each month, our team hand-picks a newly released book along with a selection of high-quality bookish items that align with a specific theme. Whether you're a fan of fantasy, romance, or mystery, there is a box for every reader.

We understand that life can get busy and finding time to read can be a challenge. That's why we created Unplugged Book Box – to remind people of the joy and relaxation that comes from getting lost in a great story. By providing a monthly subscription service, we hope to make it easier for bookworms to prioritize their reading habits and indulge in some much-needed self-care.

So, whether you're looking to treat yourself or surprise a fellow book lover with a thoughtful gift, we invite you to join our Unplugged Book Box community. With each box, you will not only receive a collection of beautifully curated items but also the opportunity to reconnect with the simple pleasure of reading. We can't wait to share our love for books with you!

People Also Ask About Unplugged Book Box

1. What is Unplugged Book Box?

Unplugged Book Box is a unique subscription box service that combines the joy of reading with self-care and relaxation. Each month, subscribers receive a carefully curated box that includes a newly released book in the genre of their choice, along with a selection of bookish items and self-care products.

2. How does Unplugged Book Box work?

To subscribe to Unplugged Book Box, you first need to choose your preferred genre, such as Young Adult or Mystery/Thriller. Then, you can select a subscription plan that suits your needs, whether it's a monthly recurring plan or a prepaid plan for a specific duration. Once subscribed, you will receive a themed box every month, filled with a new book and other goodies.

3. What kind of items are included in Unplugged Book Box?

Unplugged Book Box includes a variety of items that complement the reading experience and promote self-care. These can include bookish items like bookmarks, candles, and stationery, as well as self-care products like bath bombs, teas, and skincare items. The specific items vary each month, but they are always thoughtfully chosen to enhance the overall reading and relaxation experience.

4. Can I customize my Unplugged Book Box?

While you cannot fully customize the contents of your Unplugged Book Box, you can choose your preferred genre and provide additional preferences during the subscription process. This allows the team behind Unplugged Book Box to tailor the box as much as possible to your interests while still maintaining the surprise element.

5. How much does Unplugged Book Box cost?

Unplugged Book Box offers different subscription plans with varying prices. The monthly recurring plan starts at $39.99 per month, while prepaid plans for longer durations offer discounted rates. Additionally, there may be extra shipping costs depending on your location. Details about pricing and available plans can be found on the Unplugged Book Box website.

6. Can I cancel or skip a month of Unplugged Book Box?

Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel or skip a month of Unplugged Book Box if needed. However, it is important to check the cancellation and skipping policies outlined by Unplugged Book Box to ensure you comply with any required deadlines or procedures. These details can be found on their website or by contacting their customer support team.

7. Is Unplugged Book Box available internationally?

Yes, Unplugged Book Box offers international shipping. However, it's important to note that additional shipping fees may apply for international orders. The availability of certain items and products may also vary depending on your location. It's recommended to check the Unplugged Book Box website for specific international shipping information.

8. Can I gift Unplugged Book Box to someone?

Absolutely! Unplugged Book Box makes for a wonderful gift for book lovers and those who appreciate self-care. During the subscription process, you can select the option to gift the box to someone else and provide their shipping information. You can even include a personalized message to make the gift extra special.

9. Are the books in Unplugged Book Box hardcovers or paperbacks?

The books included in Unplugged Book Box can be either hardcovers or paperbacks, depending on the specific release and availability. The aim is to provide subscribers with newly released books in their chosen genre, and the format may vary accordingly. Regardless of the format, the selected books are always high-quality and engaging reads.

10. Can I return or exchange items from Unplugged Book Box?

Unplugged Book Box generally does not accept returns or exchanges due to the nature of the subscription service and the surprise element involved. However, if you encounter any issues or receive damaged items, it is recommended to contact their customer support team for assistance. They will do their best to resolve any concerns you may have.